This section contains a number of preset banks that can help you understand how the C15 works and give you ideas for your own sounds. With these banks it is essential that you read the information in the Bank and Preset Info thoroughly, otherwise you may not understand the purpose of a particular preset.
This Tutorial Bank showcases the new features introduced with the 2020 update:
To fully understand the specifics of these presets, be sure to read the information in the Preset Info.
These presets have been created to demonstrate the new features of the Spring 2023 update. The update includes the following new features and functions:
See the "Preset Info" for further information on the specifics of each preset.
A collection of classical, non-European and synthetic micro tunings. The timbres of the sounds are deliberately kept simple to make the detection of subtle tonal differences easier.
To apply one of the scales to your own preset, load the scale preset from this bank, lock the Scale parameter group and load your preset (please see also the Bank Info). This does not work for the KT (Key Tracking) demos. In this case you would have to set the Pitch Key Trk parameters of your preset to the same values as in Osc A of the demo preset.